Pet owners often assume that their pets live worry-free lives in the absence of stress simply because they may not always be able to recognize the strain that their pets are feeling. There are dozens of situations that commonly cause our pets to experience a considerable amount of stress. These include thunderstorms, being left isolation, fireworks on the Fourth of July, and the absence of their owners.
Pets typically manifest their stress by destroying property in their home, ceasing to eat, or using the bathroom in different locations of the home. Pet owners often interpret these behaviors as rebellious or even natural behavior. In reality, the pet is trying to communicate their discomfort.
There are many techniques that pet owners try in order to remedy these kinds of situations. Animal sitters are often hired for a period when the owner will be away. Some owners even go so far as to try medications. Both of these treatments are costly, and prescribing medication to a pet leaves them at risk for dangerous side effects.
There is a much safer and simpler way to sooth the frazzled nerves of your loving pet. Like humans, pets experience calming sensations when exposed to classical or soft, melodic music. Pet owners can ease the effects of separation anxiety their pets feel when left home alone by playing pre-recorded music.
Music featuring the harp is particularly effective due to the softness of the tone and the fluidity of the sounds produced.
Excess stress can lead to the development of life-long illnesses in pets. In addition, the opposite can be true. The presence of an illness that may limit their abilities or cause pain can result in stress on your pet. In both instances, calming music can aid in relaxing the pet and easing the tension that may be building in their muscles. Older pets are particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of stress. The longer a pet lives with you, the more attached they will become.
As a result, any absence on the owner’s part can result in greater degrees of operation anxiety.